5 Surprising Menopause Symptoms

Do you think you’re going through menopause? We’ve all heard of hot flashes and seemingly uncontrollable weight gain, but here’s five menopause symptoms you might not be aware of that occur as a result of menopause. 1. Jaw Pain– As menopause sparks hormonal changes, loss of estrogen in menopause causes deterioration of all joints, including…

Benefits of Quercetin

Quercetin can be beneficial for a variety of conditions. Lowers Inflammation: Quercetin is a flavonoid that help to lower inflammation. They fight the natural process of ‘oxidation’ that takes place over time as we age. It can help stop damaging particles in the body known as free radicals, which negatively impact how cells work- including…

Boost Your Immune System This Holiday Season!

The holidays are upon us, and with it cold and flu season approaches as well. Coupled with the ongoing global pandemic it’s more important than ever before to take measures to strengthen your immune system. Here’s some great advise from Dr. Jim B. LaValle RPh, CCN, MT, ND(trad) 4 Lifestyle Choices that Impact Your Immune…

Feeling Fatigue?

As we get into the holiday season, many of us are filling our already full schedules with holiday gatherings, hosting family, shopping, and so much more. We can experience fatigue that may be temporary, but for some of us, the problem seems to go a lot deeper. How do we alleviate the problems associated with…

Back to School Tips

It’s that time of year again! Kids have gone back to school. You may be wondering what you can do to keep your child healthy this year. We have a few tips in mind that may help! Teach them how to wash their hands properly The power of washing hands frequently works wonders. This seems…

Power Breakfast

If you ever find yourself wondering what you should eat for breakfast save this recipe! Jeff Barris, Pharm D makes this smoothie every morning. This is just a fast and easy way to start your day off the right way! Blend all together: Blueberries (handful) Strawberries(handful) Walnuts(2 or 3) Kale(quarter cup) Spinach (quarter cup) Collard…

What you Need to Know About Sleep

No doubt the most important part of anyone’s 24 hours is a good night’s sleep of at least 7 hours. Sleep is what helps the body to stay healthy. Also, the brain needs sleep to function. Drugs and most over the counter products negatively impact the brain. For example, Benadryl, Tylenol, etc. One of the…

The 411 on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or myalgic encephalomyelitis is a perplexing and complicated disorder effecting an estimated 836,000 to 2.5 million Americans. The cause is unknown but there are many theories that include viral infections, psychological stress, or a combination of factors. (1) (2) (3) And there’s no single test that can confirm a clear diagnosis…

Healthy Aging

While our bodies and minds change as we age, it doesn’t mean we have to give up on having a happy, healthy, active life. Growing older can be a positive experience — not just physically but also psychologically and socially. Yet the state of aging in the US is increasingly alarming and points to the…