Managing Our Sweet Tooth

Has anyone ever told you that you have a sweet tooth? Most of us know that we should limit our sugar intake, but we may not know truly know how to do it. We know inside what’s best, but we might keep reaching for that sugary soda or that piece of chocolate cake anyway. Then,…

Five Tips for Healthy, Glowing Skin

I had the opportunity to sit down with Tiffany Rose, owner, and Amber Donatelli, Esthetician, from Total Skin and Wellness, who were excited to talk about their new practice in San Clemente, California. Tiffany has never been a stranger to anything involving the skin. Her dad was a dermatologist for over 33 years and she…

Low-Dose Naltrexone For Neurological Conditions

We sat down with Dr. Arnold Brizuela, Neurophysiologist, with West Coast Neurology. He specializes in neurophysiology, but as a generalist, he sees everything on the spectrum of neurology from epilepsy to neuromuscular conditions. As a neurologist Dr. Brizuela is always looking for ways to best help his patients, he has been prescribing Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN)…

Benefits of Quercetin

Quercetin can be beneficial for a variety of conditions. Lowers Inflammation: Quercetin is a flavonoid that help to lower inflammation. They fight the natural process of ‘oxidation’ that takes place over time as we age. It can help stop damaging particles in the body known as free radicals, which negatively impact how cells work- including…

Back to School Tips

It’s that time of year again! Kids have gone back to school. You may be wondering what you can do to keep your child healthy this year. We have a few tips in mind that may help! Teach them how to wash their hands properly The power of washing hands frequently works wonders. This seems…

What you Need to Know About Sleep

No doubt the most important part of anyone’s 24 hours is a good night’s sleep of at least 7 hours. Sleep is what helps the body to stay healthy. Also, the brain needs sleep to function. Drugs and most over the counter products negatively impact the brain. For example, Benadryl, Tylenol, etc. One of the…